DOM MB Diagnosis page

Board ID:

V5.0L 000119


Delivered 07, 02, 2004, by LBL person


July 2 -  Fails to boot
July 7 -
ATWD Pedestal problem and discriminator scan problem
July 8 -  Fails to boot into IceBoot
July 28 -Failes baseline test.


Michael Harris
Thorsten Stezelberger

Analysis Procedure(s):

July 2,  Attempt to reproduce symptoms failed. Ship out and test.
July 7, Verified EPC8 and CPLD. Card booted fine.  Subspect operator error
July 8,   No obvious cause
July 28, Run extensive reboot test (30 times per hour) while temperature cycling from -55C to +65C
Ran temperature profile from -40C to -75C.  No STF failures, except local coincidence at and below -60C.

Root cause:

Old version of ConfigBoot can cause this problem


Updaet ConfigBoot to newest version



Any Other Information:

Traveler July 2
Traveler July 7
Traveler July 8
Traveler July 28