DOM MB Diagnosis page

Board ID:

V5.0-00171,  from STF


STF testing; George


Slow read-out, or slow STF.


G. Przybylski

Analysis Procedure(s):

Reloaded CPLD, Configuration memory and Flash memory.
Attempt to run STF produces an unusually high number of front-end related errors.
The front end DACs are found to all read zero. 
The SPI serial clock, and chip selects are OK. The data line is stuck low on U59, U67.
U29, U31 function normally.
Identified open PCB trace near C414. (see picture below)
Bridge open trace with jumper wire soldered between vias.

Root cause:

Faulty PCB trace, apparently not identified during production testing, or PCB trace failure arising during reflow.


Repair trace. Investigate possible 'coverage' problem with PCB and loading vendor.


Repair with jumper wire.  Mark as DO NOT DEPLOY

Any Other Information:


Jumper repair