DOM MB Diagnosis page

Board ID:

Rev 5.0 SN 0544


From STF testing crew August 3, 2004


Fails Local Coincidence Loopback tests
Falis slow ADC tests.


G. Przybylski

Analysis Procedure(s):

Using shotgun approach,  replace Serial ADC U4.   Symptoms persisist.
Check all the power supplies. Discovered that the LC reference voltage was 0V. 
Subsequently discovered 0 ohms resistance from Z1, Z2 case (LC Reference voltage node)  to ground, caused by shorted bypass one of C49, C55, C61.

Root cause:

Faulty capacitor, or solder bridge under capacitor.


Tacked 1uF capacitor back in place. Ran full STF suite with 100% success.  
Routed board to Helen for part replacement and subsequent mainstreaming for shipment to Wisconsin.


This looks like a one-of-a-kind failure mode.

Any Other Information:
