DOM MB Diagnosis page
Board ID:
Rev V5.0L 000567
Loading vendor identification
Questionable formulation or
treatment of solder mask causing localized discoloration.
G. Przybylski
Analysis Procedure(s):
By fiat, DOM MBs with anomalous solder mask will not be deployed.
Load CPLD; Load Configuration memory; load Flash memory.
Run complete room temperature STF suite; no failures observed.
Low temperature profile from -40°C to -75°C Results:
Local Coincidence failure at and below -70°C. No other
failures noted.
During 400 plus cycles of reboot test while sweeping the temperature
between -55°C and +65°C every 90 min., no boot failures
were observed.
Root cause:
The discoloration has been brought
to the attention of the loading house and PCB house, who have promised
to take precautions to minimize future solder mask problems.
Mark ":not for deployment" and set aside for the software testing crew.
Forwarded to Helen and Azriel for
room temperature test and integration test.
Not for integration into IceTop or InIce Optical Modules; software test
Any Other Information:
Traveler September 13