DOM MB V5 Diagnosis page

Board ID:

V5.0L 000714


George Chao


No on-all Boot failure during end of HASS (i.e. cold)


G. Przybylski

Analysis Procedure(s):

On-all OK at 25C. Loaded CPLD.  Room temperature STF OK.
Board occasionally fails reboot test during temperature cycling 10/18
Board occasionally fails reboot test during temperature cycling 10/20
Board occasionally fails reboot test during temperature cycling 10/26, monitor oscillator
Replaced corning oscillator B301538-0106 0430 with B301507-63013-0419 on 10/27/04.
Board occasionally fails reboot test during temperature cycling 10/26, find 3.3V output reads about 2.5V
11/1; not booting. Low power. Recommend replace U8.
Corning oscillator is probably OK.  (don't RMA this part)
8 replaced 11/8/04 by Helen.  The board now survived 20 cycles of temperature shock involving
heating to 70°C and cooling with Quick Freeze spray (11/29/04; gtp).
Subsequently, no boot failures during over 500 cycles of reboot test while sweeping the temperature between -55
°C and +65°C.
Low temperature profile (from -40
°C to -75°C) results:
°C; -50°C; -55°C, -60°C: ATWD A Ch2 Baseline failure
°C: ATWD A Ch2 Baseline failure, and Local Coincidence Loop-back failure
°C: ATWD A Ch1 & Ch2 Baseline failure, and Local Coincidence Loop-back failure
°C: ATWD A Ch1 & Ch2 Baseline failure, ATWD A Ch1 Pedestal Noise failure, and Local Coincidence Loop-back failure

Root cause:

Possibly faulty soldering of U8, or bad U8.  Unfortunately, the soldering of U8 wasn't inspected before U8 was replaced.


Replace U8


Test and Mainstream

Any Other Information:

Traveler September 27