Sample | Total samples in data file | Best Allan Variance for blocks of 100 samples | Worst Allan Variance for blocks of 100 samples | Best Allan Variance for blocks of 500 samples |
1 of 5 | 2000 1000 (after days of burn-in) 1266 17751 |
1.49807e-09 3.80823e-11 4.02409e-11 3.70821e-11 |
2.60542e-07 3.16235e-10 5.01130e-11 6.43210e-11 |
6.74659e-09 6.37598e-11 4.34813e-11 4.53838e-11 |
2 of 5 | first 5000 of 10,000 last 5000 of 10,000 |
5.64249e-11 4.43473e-11 |
1.73850e-09 7.79216e-11 |
6.35023e-11 5.54132e-11 |
3 of 5 | 1000 | 3.53343e-11 | 4.48254e-11 | 3.82697e-11 |
4 of 5 | 1000 2000 |
7.46437e-11 5.81559e-11 |
1.06238e-10 7.58172e-11 |
9.19596e-11 6.77010e-11 |
5 of 5 | 2000, 2000 first44839 of 45839 last1000 of 45839 |
6.20969e-11 5.34274e-11 4.36180e-11 5.97650e-11 |
2.18640e-10 9.93111e-11 6.11854e-10 7.29004e-11 |
8.15994e-11 6.32800e-11 5.27664e-11 6.53183e-11 |
Evidence supports the assertion that oscillator short term stability improves toward an asymptote, as oscillators accumulate more operating time.
Statistics are too small to make a good estimate of 'yield', where yield is defined as delivering performance adequate to the needs of IceCube.
Additional samples are on order by Wisconsin. #1 and #4 will be burned in more, and retested, while we wait for them to arrive.
Data files available on request. Send me an email.
Measurements and analysis by Gerald Przybylski, Lawrence Berkeley
Laboratory, for IceCube.