command. This will download and install BFD and all the
necessary IceCube and Offline/Dataclasses tools.This rsync command will initially download all the tools into your local tools directory, or fully synchronize the existing local tools directory with the one on
> rsync --delete -vrlpt -e ssh --include-from=rsync.offline.MacOSX-ppc /your/tools/directory
If you've never used rsync before, it is very picky about the location of .'s and /'s. If you issue the above command from ~/icecube/tools the tools will end up there. Deviate from the above command only if you know what your are doing with rsync.
In order for this to work, you will have to setup a passphrase-less key pair on your remote host and install it in your authorized_keys file in your ~/.ssh directory.
> crontab -e
Insert the following:
15 1 * * * (cd /your/tools/directory && /usr/bin/rsync --delete -rlpt -e ssh --include-from=rsync.offline.MacOSX-ppc /your/tools/directory
Save and exit. Your new entry is now active.