February 10, 2003.
Evaluation and exploration of data corruption in the captured ATWD A pedestal waveform.

Counter Clock Buffer A input waveform  This ATWD works OK at room temperature, but miscounts when cold.
Counter Clock Buffer B input waveform  This ATWD working properly, both warm and cold.
ATWD A Coutnter Clock Input at room temperature  Digitizer stable at room temperature.
ATWD A Counter Clock Input chilled with freeze spray to -40C Digitizer unstable.
ATWD A Counter Clock Input, room temperature, and chilled, superimposed.  Note increase in glitch amplitude
ATWD B Counter Clock Waveform   This ATWD works proberly, both at room temperature, and cold.
ATWD A Trigger Waveform,  output from a 3.3V CMOS to 5V CMOS converter.  May be problematic.
ATWD control input waveform...  3.3V logic to a 5V CMOS logic input.  Unsightly, but not known to cause a problem.